Thank you for contributing to the success of the Jacques de Champlain Foundation’s first Survivors’ Gala Cocktail Reception

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Fifteen cardiac arrest survivors. Top row : Laurent Morisset, Éric Cardinal, Pasquale D’Ambrosio, Mickey Lalonde, Alex Galli, Katrysha Gellis, Charles Therrien-Thénière, Adam Côté, Samuel Lortie, Zachary Stabb, Bob McEwen. Bottom row : Émile Beauchamp, Gonçalo Gomes, Jean-Philippe LaRose, Robert Marien.


The Board of Directors of the Jacques de Champlain Foundation thanks all our guests and donors for attending our first Survivors’ Gala on May 9 at the Écomusée du fier monde.

Our event brought together 135 people, including 15 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors, who delivered moving testimonials reminding us that automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in public spaces save lives.

We also wish to thank our master of ceremonies Robert Marien, who brought a larger-than-life dimension to the evening.

All these contributions enabled everyone present to better grasp the concrete benefits of the Jacques de Champlain Foundation’s actions and mission.


The Board of Directors: Eddy Afram, Dr. Wayne Smith, Jean-Philippe LaRose, Olivier Cléroux, Nancy Pelletier, Dr. François de Champlain, Yves Sauvé, Laurent Morisset.


Your generosity and support are essential if we are to continue to develop and make AEDs accessible in public spaces, and thus contribute to our mission of increasing the survival rate of victims of cardiac arrest.

Thank you very much – we look forward to seeing you at a future event.

The Board of Directors of the Jacques de Champlain Foundation


*See the photo album of the evening’s highlights on our Facebook page (